To the Elected and Appointed Federal Officials,
I hope I am not leaving anyone out, but I want to let the Federal Judges know that they are part of this too. I am a very concerned Constituent of this great country. I use the word “Constituent” to describe myself instead of “Citizen” for I feel that you just view me as a voter for you instead of a Citizen of this great land. I vote you into office to do what you think is right, not just for me, but for my brothers and sisters in the other states as well. Then, my elected official, you go and fight against my other brother/sister in government. Enough with your partisan bickering; you can no longer afford to play chicken with ANY policy that is set forth from either side of the aisle.
My forebears came to this country to leave behind persecution in their homelands. It was supposed to bring the family great riches by switching continents. Yes, there were years of prosperity, and their children lived better with each passing generation. But now, we are sliding back. My children won’t have the same living as I did when I was their age; I am posed to be worse off than my parents’ generation.
You should do what is the best for all the people living with the US borders, not just what will keep you in power. One day you will be voted out of office; it may be during the next election, or it may be fifty years down the road.
Most people in this country are centrists; we may lean to the left or to the right, but we do have common beliefs, don’t forget that. We care for our other humans on this planet; there may be disagreement on how people should be helped (by the government or by private institutions).