Writing, it’s not hard to do. It’s just hard to figure out what you will write about. I can write and write, and even write about writing, but topics to write about elude me. I want to get into a writing profession, not just one where I write letters and proofread articles for others. I want to be the writer! The fundamentals are there; if you are a good proofreader there shouldn’t be any reason why you wouldn’t be a good writer. It’s the motivation to get out and write about something. I just don’t want to be rewriting someone else’s work. I want someone to be like “that’s an original Aidan” someday.
I know there are many topics out there; many sites are out there to encourage ideas. The best idea to write about came to me from http://www.copyblogger.com/brainstorm-blog-topics/... Number 20: “Stop worrying you’ll look dumb.” This may be the actual reason why I have trouble writing a blog. I think about “oh my title is dumb,” “no one will want to read this crap,” and “I’m not fit to write something out on the interwebs.
We live in a unique age, where everyone can have a voice, and people have the capabilities to hear what that one little voice wants to shout out at the top of his/her lungs. I hope I have followers and I write what is on my mind.
*warning* future posts may be of the political sort, especially since the political season is upon us J
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