Yesterday's writing prompt from The One-Minute Writer had a very interesting concept: What do you wish grew on trees? I only responded to this writing prompt today (8/1/12) and I would like to go more in depth with my answer. This is what I wrote in the One-minute time frame:
You know what would be great, if it grew on trees? Ideas would amazing.
If you ever got writer's block, you could walk out to the "idea" tree
and grab inspiration from it. It could give the answer to ending world
violence, domestic violence, and even world hunger.
How amazing would that be? No one would ever have writer's block; it could solve the questions of some of the most horrible problems facing our world. It could be almost a Utopian society. Though I guess it could also be viewed as a the Wisdom Tree that Eve took the apple from... But that's not what I was thinking when I responded with the answer. From my answer, I guess you can tell that I am an idealist that wants to be able to help the common man all over the world, without forgetting the home-grown problems. We really need to start finding the answers to fix the problems within the world, at least bring the possible solutions up into conversation.
As a writer, I fight writer's block on almost a constant basis. I am trying to work on exercises that will help me stay more focused when I get down to it and write (this is where the One-Minute Writer works in nicely). It has now given me an idea to which I can write a whole rambling blog piece on a thought stemmed from the question it posed.
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