Monday, August 6, 2012

Driving Pet Peeves

On the open road... Do you ever notice how many idiots are out when you are driving?  At the same time, it feels like there are no cops are around when you need them?  Why is this so?  Is it just how the universe works?

Late last week I was driving to visit family in New Jersey.  I started realizing how many idiots were out on the road, doing illegal stuff and things that just annoy me to know end.  I decided to make a list of driving pet peeves. Now, I am sharing with you the list:

1) Not using headlights when it is raining (against many state laws)

2) Not using the turn signal when switching lanes

3) Using the turn signal after you are already halfway into the other lane

4) Keeping turn signal on/ forgetting about the turn signal for over a mile

5) Having items hang from the rear view mirror (this is illegal in DC)

6) Applying make-up when driving

7) Crossing over solid lines

8) "Riding the car" in front of you (tailgating)

9) Sitting in a blind spot.

This is just a small list of pet peeves. Do you want to share some of your pet peeves not listed?  Please leave a comment :)

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