Monday, October 29, 2012

Blog is moved

I have moved my blog to wordpress:Learning to Scribe.  Yes, under a different name, but same old way of writing.  I hope you follow me on it :)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

No work - so Baking!

Well, I was a bit mysterious before about what I did at the end of July... Did you catch that?  I quit my job to focus on school (which starts in about two weeks) and I found an internship in which I get to write and support a great cause.  The internship doesn't take up much of my time, so I have actually had the opportunity to bake at least once a week since my last day.  Baking/Cooking can be so much fun, and so relaxing... I have never really taken the time just to relax and cook.   I always feel like I can skimp on what I am eating in order to do something more exciting.

Yesterday I was able to make Zucchini cake muffins - using a recipe that makes it into Zucchini bars.  The recipe is from Italian So Fat, Low Fat, No Fat by Betty Rohde.  It is a great recipe to trick the kids into eating something that is healthy.    It is a spice cake type of recipe.  The recipe calls for raisins, my family and I add chocolate chips to it... it's just plain awesome.

The Recipe is as follows:

½ cup fat-free margarine, at room temperature (I use regular unsalted butter)
1 ½ cups packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
½ cup egg substitute (2 eggs equal ½ cup)
2 cups all-purpose or whole wheat flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
½ teaspoon grated nutmeg
¼ teaspoon ground cloves
1 ½ cups shredded zucchini
1 cup golden raisins (I substitute with chocolate chips)

1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Lightly coat a 13 x 9 x 2-inch baking dish with vegetable oil cooking spray.
2) In large mixing bowl, cream the margarine and brown sugar together until fluffy.  Beat in vanilla and eggs
3) In a smaller bowl, combine the flour, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves; stir with a whisk until well blended.
4) Add flour mixture to the creamed mixture and blend thoroughly with a wooden spoon.
5) Stir in Zucchini and raisins (chocolate chips).
6) Turn the dough into the prepared pan and smooth the top with a spatula.
7) Bake 25 to 35 minutes or until a wooden toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean.

Note: for the muffins make sure you a) only fill the container 2/3 of the way full b) It takes about 20 minutes to bake - but keep on checking every 5-10 minutes

Ingredients for glaze (we don’t really use this):
1 ½ cups confectioners’ sugar
2 tablespoons fat-free margarine, at room temperature
1 to 2 teaspoons lemon juice

1) Mix sugar and margarine until blended.
2) Stir in lemon juice, 1 teaspoon at a time, until smooth and of a desired consistency
3) Spread the glaze on the cake while it is still warm.  Cut into bars when cool 

I added a chocolate chip on the top of each for creative flair.

I hope you enjoy the recipe :)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Packing for Travel

What is your morning routine before you travel?  Do you leisurely get ready, because you are already packed?  Or, are you one of those hustling all about, doing laundry because your favorite clothes are dirty? Do you wake up early to pack?  Are you one that is late, almost missing your plane? Or do you hold up the people that you are traveling with, leaving 30 minutes to an hour later then what was originally planned?

I know people who have everything packed the night before, minus the necessities of course.  I also know people whom seem to hold up the other fellow travelers because they didn't wake up in time to pack and be on time.  Neither of these people are me.  I am the one that will wake up 2-3 hours earlier then I need to pack.  I like to wait until this time to make sure I am not missing anything; I can use my toothbrush and then pack it.  It is how I do my check list.  I am always ready early to go and travel.  I am the one that will arrive an hour and a half early to my gate, because I worry about the lines at security.

What type of traveler are you?

Monday, August 6, 2012

Driving Pet Peeves

On the open road... Do you ever notice how many idiots are out when you are driving?  At the same time, it feels like there are no cops are around when you need them?  Why is this so?  Is it just how the universe works?

Late last week I was driving to visit family in New Jersey.  I started realizing how many idiots were out on the road, doing illegal stuff and things that just annoy me to know end.  I decided to make a list of driving pet peeves. Now, I am sharing with you the list:

1) Not using headlights when it is raining (against many state laws)

2) Not using the turn signal when switching lanes

3) Using the turn signal after you are already halfway into the other lane

4) Keeping turn signal on/ forgetting about the turn signal for over a mile

5) Having items hang from the rear view mirror (this is illegal in DC)

6) Applying make-up when driving

7) Crossing over solid lines

8) "Riding the car" in front of you (tailgating)

9) Sitting in a blind spot.

This is just a small list of pet peeves. Do you want to share some of your pet peeves not listed?  Please leave a comment :)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Idea from a Writing Prompt

Yesterday's writing prompt from The One-Minute Writer had a very interesting concept: What do you wish grew on trees?  I only responded to this writing prompt today (8/1/12) and I would like to go more in depth with my answer.  This is what I wrote in the One-minute time frame:

       You know what would be great, if it grew on trees? Ideas would amazing. If you ever got                writer's block, you could walk out to the "idea" tree and grab inspiration from it. It could give the answer to ending world violence, domestic violence, and even world hunger.

How amazing would that be?  No one would ever have writer's block; it could solve the questions of some of the most horrible problems facing our world.  It could be almost a Utopian society.  Though I guess it could also be viewed as a the Wisdom Tree that Eve took the apple from... But that's not what I was thinking when I responded with the answer.  From my answer, I guess you can tell that I am an idealist that wants to be able to help the common man all over the world, without forgetting the home-grown problems.  We really need to start finding the answers to fix the problems within the world, at least bring the possible solutions up into conversation.

As a writer, I fight writer's block on almost a constant basis.  I am trying to work on exercises that will help me stay more focused when I get down to it and write (this is where the One-Minute Writer works in nicely).  It has now given me an idea to which I can write a whole rambling blog piece on a thought stemmed from the question it posed.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

5 Minute Writing Prompt: My secret summer escape…

My secret summer escape…

When I was younger, my favorite summer escape was going to the beach. Oh how I would love to be able to go back in time and enjoy the time even more.  I wish I was able to escape for the summer.  Well, I should be able to do it for the month of August.  Too bad my boyfriend doesn’t want to go with me places, if his drunken stupor means anything to me. My secret summer escape would be the beach, a little cabin, with no one a mile on either side of this escape.  I stare out into the water, listening to the waves hit the sand.  I would be able to write and write in the goodness.  It would please me so much.  I guess to have my secret summer escape, I would need to find someone who was really rich to take care of me.  I wish my boyfriend would be able to do this for me.  I would love to see little kids on the beach enjoying themselves.  I would take photos of sunrises and sunsets.  My secret summer escape probably wouldn’t be much of a secret.  I would want to share it with all those I love.  I would have family over and have them to enjoy the peace and solitude.  My secret summer escape, my secret summer escape, would be so pretty, so small, so perfect.  Lots of enjoyment would take place over there.  I would love to have bbq’s outside on the beach.  Bonfires a plenty, and some fireworks that would be going off to celebrate the night.  My 5 minutes are almost up.  Can you believe it?  This is amazing.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Character Development

Am I the only person who has issues with writing character development?  I can write and write, and even write about one character (character a) and can be completely happy with the way the character is; I am ready to move onto writing the back story of another character (character b).  Then I get five lines in with character b, and then character a jumps back into my mind.  In a sense yelling at me to go back to him/her and write even more details about the character, or that they aren't happy with part of the story.  Does anyone agree?  Disagree?  Please share with me on how you handle this situation.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Writing Prompts

As someone who would like to work on her writing (the reason for this blog) I have had issues at times coming up with what ideas to write about.  Did you know the internet is full of writing prompts?  There is the One Minute Writer, The Sunday Scribblings, and a five minute writing prompt from Your Writing Mentor, to name a few.  I have been reviewing what have been posted at some of these blogs, and all I can say is that it is quite interesting what people can write in a short amount of time.  It allows the creative juices to flow and maybe move you away from writer’s block.  I have enjoyed reviewing these blogs, and I hope to use their prompts in the future.  I have actually gone and written in a few of the past posts for the One Minute Writer on the site.  Check out the most recent ones for my contributions.  I hope you enjoy what I have written.  I hope all of this will make me a better writer in the end.
A writer’s journey is never-ending.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Coffee makes the world go ‘round

Oh the most wonderful thing about waking up in the morning is the smell of the freshly brewed coffee.  One of the best things ever invented was the timer to start the coffee before I wake up instead of having to drag myself out of bed in order to make the coffee.  It is definitely a big motivator for me to get out of bed for the first cup of mornin’ Jo.  I don’t care what type of coffee is in the pot, I will drink it, though a good cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee is always nice (it's my mother's favorite). My family and I use a normal, run-of-the-mill coffee pot.  Which keeps the coffee warm for four hours.  

My boyfriend, on the other hand, is a coffee snob.  He is really into researching the different type of coffee beans and knowing what he wants to try.  He bough a french press and a bean grinder so he can make make it as fresh as possible.  He isn't happy with any of the creamers out there, accept Coffee-mate's  Italian Sweet Crème creamer.  He is having a hard time finding it in the area.  Did the product get cancelled?

This post is a little scattered, I apologize for my thought process... maybe today was a second cup of coffee day?


I did a little searching on Coffee-mate's website and found a few places where the Italian Sweet Crème can be picked up.  I will let him know of this.  Is it really popular and hard to keep on the shelves?  He'll go to different stores in the same day to try to find it and none of the stores have it at the time (just the non-fat non-sugar version).

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

To Hit the Open Road

I have this urge to travel.  To drop everything that I am doing, and just pack up my little Hyundai Elantra and just drive away from everything that I know.  I know what I would do too, if I had a co-pilot for this adventure (the person I wanted to go with me didn't think it seemed like a really good idea). 

I would love the chance to drive the entirety of U.S. Route 50, from Ocean City, Maryland through to San Francisco, CA.  Yes, the actual road stops in Sacramento, CA, but there is Interstate roads that go over the original U.S. 50.

The approximate plan was to take about 13 days to drive across the U.S.  (Round trip would be about 20 days give-or-take).  There would be days of rest and time just to relax.  At most I would drive 9 hours in a given day.  This would allow for stopping at National Parks and all the small town USA's that I would drive through.  It would be documented in photographs and by a nicely worded blog, written by me.

I hope this plan some day comes to fruition.  Hopefully there would be interest in reading my blog for it.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Winning the Jackpot

No, I haven’t won a jackpot.  Have you?  Could you share the multi-millions with me?  
I would like to share with you what I would have done if I won the Mega Millions a few months ago when it was over 500 million dollars.  It is always fun to imagine things that aren’t yours.  I would first have to say that I went in on a few tickets with my boyfriend, got 20 for myself and went in with an office pool.  So, this is all assuming that I would have won the money flat out, without anybody else.

1)      I am taking the money in installments for the next 26 years.  I can’t even imagine getting 12 million each year, so taking the lump sum would be outrageous.

2)      I would quit my job, which is unfulfilling and would start up my own non-profit to help those who have problems reading and speaking.  The money would come from a trust.  When I was younger I had a reading problem along with a speech impediment.  It would work with kids with the problem to help them; there would be speech pathologists at the headquarters to work with the kids.  There will be a scholarship fund for kids who have overcome the issues and get into good schools.  This would be based on schools recommendations (proof would be needed as well).  The contestants would write a 1-3 page (double spaced) about how the change occurred (what they did) and how it improved his/her life up until now.

3)      I am going to purchase a modestly priced home, probably around $500,000.  If it is just me, why would I need a really, really big house?  There will be a hot tub included in the house.  The furnishings would not be extravagant, but they will be real tasteful.  There may be a billiards table in the basement for my boyfriend.

4)      I may purchase a nice, large beach house for my family and I to share in the summer time.  Some of the best memories of the summer that I have is at the beach for a week with my family.  Maybe I would donate a few weeks to those families who wouldn’t have been able to afford a vacation during the year.

5)      I would setup a small scholarship at my alma mater to students and aspiring students who were like me, and in my major/minor.  There would most likely be an essay with why I want to study these topics?  or What will I do after graduating with my degree? 

6)      Of course I would be giving tithe to my church, though most likely it will be done anonymously.  There would be a big donation to both the youth group and religious education department.  They were always big supporters of me.

7)      Any of the money that would be left over from the year I would put into a trust for the future of my immediate family.  I would not want to have all this money and then lose it the next day because there was no planning done.  I would want to be able to live off the interest of the money once the first 26 years have gone past and I would not be getting any more money from the Mega Millions.
This will be a similar pattern for the next 26 years.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Never sure what to Blog about

Does anyone else come to that same problem?  I want to blog, but some topics I feel like I should keep to myself right now.  Since I woke up (around 8, this morning) I have been writing in Microsoft word.  The topic isn't ready to be part of a blog, if it ever would be.  If I decide to add it to cyberspace, I definitely will have to edit it down, censure it, if you will.  I know writings need to be edited, and I hate common courtesy of editing what I think... but I feel sometimes that is the only way not to get burned.  

What I was writing about:

It goes along with the fact that I am unhappy (well unhappy when I am not writing) and I want to make a drastic change in my life in the near future.  (Are you surprised to hear that I haven't been happy, then you haven't been reading the poems that I have previously posted.)  It's just scary to make that sort of change, though whoever knows of the outcome of their choices?  One can only predict the positive and negative side affects.  This change will definitely change my life - I just need to take the plunge and do it.  The following quote is what I have been thinking about, using it to guide my thoughts on the matter at hand:

"Above all, be true to yourself, and if you cannot put your heart in it, take yourself out of it."--Hardy D. Jackson 

Good advice, is it not?  I know I am scared of change, that is what has been holding me back from doing what I plan on doing for the longest time.

This just seems so cryptic, does it not?  Maybe this will give me more time to enjoy the activities that make me happy, and then I will actually be 100% happier with my life.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Been Creative Recently

It's a little amazing to me that only a few months ago I decided to start writing on a more constant basis, and at the time I was writing a lot about nothing.  Now, within the past few weeks, the creative juices have really started to flow and I have written more poems then I have ever written in such a short time frame.  I guess the best thing to do with writer's block is to keep on writing, even if it makes absolutely no sense or that you just write about writing, why you like it and why you want to be able to write.  Write about writer's block, how it makes you feel, how you just can't stand it.  Get all the feelings out just by writing.  Wish I thought of the process a lot sooner then I actually did.  I have lost so much good material for writing just because of stupid writer's block.  Does anyone else feel this way? 

Does anyone even read what I write on this blog?  I mean, I don't care, I am writing just solely for the purpose of writing and doing something that I enjoy... I guess I just want to know if anything I write is interesting or what not?  Feed back is most welcome.

Lost Power





the power is out
the power is on
the power is out

"Is the power out?"

"The power is out"

All dark
find the flashlights
find the lanterns
drink some wine

zzz... in the basement

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Made it through the Storm

Well, I guess you can tell that I finally got power back from the storm that knocked out power to half a million people in the D.C. area.  Power went out around 10:30 last night and I only got it back a little less then an hour ago (1:30pm est).  It was an interesting morning.  Woke up to see many leaves on the ground.  Then we had coffee that was percolated on the camping stove:

It was rather fun, dining al fresco for breakfast.  It was nice weather, at least when you are sitting in the shade and there is a nice breeze.

 Here are some of the photos of the aftermath:

Friday, June 29, 2012

Realizing the time

So, in less then two weeks, I move from being in my mid-twenties to the late-twenties.  That thought made me hit a wall. Didn't I just turn 21 a few years ago?  I remember like it was yesterday.  Though, in honest truth, my years outside of college just seems to be one large lump of nothing that really changes... so whose fault is it that I feel like I should be staying in the mid-twenties for another few years?

With this revelation, I have composed another of my poems... it most likely is not in its finished format, but then when do we ever feel that something we write is actually finished?


enjoy what you have
for one day
it may all be gone

enjoy family and friends
for one day
they will be all gone

Live in the Moment
the Here
the Now

Thursday, June 28, 2012

More Poems written today

Only a Dream
A dream is only a dream
Unless you go an fulfill it
If you get side-tracked
If you are told not to do it
Then you just are lying to yourself

Untitled (work in progress)
I am stuck
                I am lost
                                I don’t know where to go

What to do?
On my door
Someone is trying to reach me
Do I go and answer?
Do I just pretend that I am not home?
They want to know what I am doing with my life,
Keep quiet?

Misty Eyes
I get misty
Thinking of what was
What is
And What will be.
I mist for the past and present
String on hope for the future.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Positive Outlook: Day 1

I’ve been a pretty good Debbie-downer recently. I haven’t been hanging out with my friends, besides my boyfriend. I guess I just don’t want to rain my negativity down on others. I am quite unhappy with most the scenarios that I am (minus the relationship with my boyfriend). I really need to change the mindset I am in… right? Mind will always win over matter. I am going to try to see the positive in everything for the next two weeks. Well, I’ll try and blog about one positive experience that will happen each day. I will make an effort to smile at everyone I see.

Today has been a pretty good day.  I thought nothing exciting would happen, but I got a call right around lunch time from a friend I haven't seen in a while.  She was in the area (a teacher who was cleaning out her room) and wanted to know if I wanted to do lunch... Was that even a question with my new mantra?  I am happy I got to see her; I get to see her tomorrow as well at a party for another friend who will be spending 6 months in Africa, leaving at the end of the month. Til tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Body Language, it is Important

It’s a big way on how we communicate with one another. We use it to communicate with each other more than actually talking. Though, day-in and day-out I notice that people don’t always pick up on the body language that others send out to them, or fully understand the body language that the person sends out to others. It is important to read body language; it helps you to gauge how you should communicate with the other person. You can tell if a person can’t be bothered, busy, tired, or ready to talk with you. Please be aware and take the proper measures if you really need to talk to someone who is showing any other body language other than “ready to talk,” please, it will make the communication much easier. I know I don’t like to be interrupted in doing something else, I feel that it is rude if I continue doing something if someone comes up to me, and I then feel annoyed that I was interrupted. Don’t start out by just saying my name and go into a whole spiel. Please use common courtesy and say “excuse me.” I won’t always know that you are talking to me, especially when I am preoccupied with some other activity.

Make sure you are aware of your body language; I can’t seem to stress it enough. Make sure you know what type of messages you send out with your body. You may be a very nice person; a person who cares for others. But you might not show that if you throw your stuff down, all around, making others have to move out of your way instead of trying to move out of theirs. If you act this way, you can be at the wrath of someone else’s animosity. Don’t be all aggressive looking/acting. This just makes me not want to talk to you. Don’t always look so irritated, if you haven’t already notice, I don’t go to you unless something is really important. But I’ve even learned from that… if you put out negative body language to me, I will just communicate with you in e-mail format instead of going up to you and asking about what I have a question about.

Thank you for listening to this little rant. You can now return to your previous broadcast.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

First page of a short story

Please, let me know what you think... leave messages!

Journal of Victoria McKinney (working title)

Chapter 1: Understanding
Day 1
My Anger Management Coach (AMC) says that I should write in a journal to describe my “feelings” since apparently I am very vocal on everything else… Well, here it goes. Glad he can’t read this though, because man… I could kick his butt right now with me making me do this… But, time to smile, can’t let the enemy know what I am thinking, or writing about, I guess now.  Always keep the enemy guessing, great military strategy, no?  Who would think that you would get an AMC in a military school?  “One of the best of its kind…” that money can pay for.  I know this because; I am not an idiot… I can see the money swapping hands in-and-out of this place…
He’s telling me I should write down about when I got this mad, and why I hold a grudge over every little thing. Wouldn’t you hold a grudge, mister high and mighty, if you always have to fight your battles alone… since that day… your world fell apart?  Your biggest advocate is no longer there to rally for your cause? No one pays attention anymore, unless you make the ugliest scene where you have to be punished?  This is what I have been feeling, ever since she left me, and he found someone else to “try” to be her.  No one could ever replace her; she was “one-of-a-kind.”  She poisons his mind against me, it doesn’t help that my Grandmother seems to do the same exact thing as well…
My brother did retaliate differently than I did; he stuck his nose in a book, and hurried through his education to get out of that “house” as soon as possible.  Me?  I failed easy classes because I didn’t like the situation… Maybe hung out with the “wrong type” of kids, just to get noticed.  Now I am at McKinney Military School (for Advantaged Youth), oddly, named after my Grandfather…
“Okay, Victoria, Time to arise from your Journal.  You have to get to your math class” my CMA says.
“Oh, really?  This is over already?  I am so sad…”
“How about you don’t make any smart remarks for the next day? Write them in your Journal instead

Monday, May 28, 2012

Some more old poems

Poems I wrote when I was a freshman in college.  Originally posted on - Author posted as Clemson Girl (lost the password...)

Times of the D.C. sniper
A little over a year ago I was there I knew the terror that the
community faced and felt wounded when each person was shot Locked in 
the school Making zigzags in the parking lot Trying to make sure not to 
get shot by the sniper Terrifying days, that I can recall in an instant 
not getting gas for that whole month checking around for the "white 
vans", stupid beliefs police officers looked so brave in these eyes 
making sure all the school students got home safe, so no one would get 
killed It was the topic of conversation everywhere, and near the end, 
students started to think it was a joke but people lost loved ones 
because of messed up minds
A new life  
Growing Older Growing Wiser But wanting to stay the same Going back to
an easier time when you were learning the alphabet instead of 9 times 9 

Being able to be held in the comfort of loved ones When wanting to grow
up so fast why didn't you take the time to live in then? Always the 
future Always the dreams that will come true Not living in the time you 
are, where everything is given to you 

Instead, living on your own working the way you use to dream though not
fun at all
2 Years 
2 Years have come and gone Have we learned? Since that terrifying day
Everything has reasons for happening Did we make it that way? 

People still remember, As it's fresh in our heads When we heard the news
We have been attacked People remember where they were All hugging and 
hoping for the lives inside 

Many heroes came out of that terrifying day Though most didn't know As
they, the New York City's best Perished that day In trying to save the 
lives that were so quickly taken away How many lives are still being 
remembered after 2 years? 

Everything seems to be remembered of that day When Our Great Nation,
changed in a major way Once allowed into the home of the country So 
quickly closed, People pushed away 

2 years ago, Everything changed Once feeling invincible Now life is so

Calling loved ones, Where the attacks occurred Why couldn't we do that

So much panic everywhere No one felt safe, as the sky with noise had

2 years have come and gone Not remembered as much in the 2nd year Will
we become under attack again? Are we ever going to learn?   

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Old Poems

I just came across one of my old journals... I would like to share some of the poems that I have written.

Growing up so fast
Can't believe time past by so quickly
From moving down at such a young age
to receiving the diploma,
...that comes closer every day.
Leaving the family world
How? Why? Should it be disappearing?
Shouldn't kids know what they have,
freedom to play,
having fun all the days?
Now, as I look back, I wish I wasn't in a hurry to grow up.
I lost so much time thinking of the future,
shouldn't have I slowed down?
Not to have a care in the world?
My childhood is slipping by, and I don't realize until it's almost too late.
How could time past so fast?
Shouldn't it slow down so that we can see the truth?

Ever Closer
Near it I feel
Time, it seems to boaster
and someday over I will keel
But until then
I feel the call
to be a great human woman,
Not a doll,
but President of these United States
Will I be
Hero in the cape
at the age of Thirty-Three

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A letter of a Concerned Constituent to the United States Government

To the Elected and Appointed Federal Officials,
I hope I am not leaving anyone out, but I want to let the Federal Judges know that they are part of this too. I am a very concerned Constituent of this great country.  I use the word “Constituent” to describe myself instead of “Citizen” for I feel that you just view me as a voter for you instead of a Citizen of this great land.  I vote you into office to do what you think is right, not just for me, but for my brothers and sisters in the other states as well.   Then, my elected official, you go and fight against my other brother/sister in government.  Enough with your partisan bickering; you can no longer afford to play chicken with ANY policy that is set forth from either side of the aisle.
My forebears came to this country to leave behind persecution in their homelands.  It was supposed to bring the family great riches by switching continents.  Yes, there were years of prosperity, and their children lived better with each passing generation. But now, we are sliding back.  My children won’t have the same living as I did when I was their age; I am posed to be worse off than my parents’ generation.
You should do what is the best for all the people living with the US borders, not just what will keep you in power.  One day you will be voted out of office; it may be during the next election, or it may be fifty years down the road.
Most people in this country are centrists; we may lean to the left or to the right, but we do have common beliefs, don’t forget that.   We care for our other humans on this planet; there may be disagreement on how people should be helped (by the government or by private institutions).

Friday, March 23, 2012

Help America Work

Rise up America!  This is your Country; let your voice be heard.  Do you feel that the United States government is not representing what you and your community needs?  Write to your Representative and Senators.  Get involved in grassroots activities.  Find a cause close to your heart and fight for it with all of your might.  Get out and be involved with your community.  Don’t let work and obligations get in your way of what you think is right.  Go to rallies, questions your elected officials.  They are responsible for representing you.  If you feel that your elected officials aren’t representing you, make a change.  Vote them out of office.  Find a candidate that holds similar values in a community as you do.  Change will come.  Share your feelings with neighbors.  Get your community members involved.  Participate in the process that makes America great.

Friday, March 16, 2012

"Original Aidan" Poems

You see me smile,
you think everything is fine.
You don't know
what goes on in my mind.
I do a good job pretending
who you want me to be.
But, one reason I am lost
is that it's not whom I am meant to be.

Snooze Alarm
'nother five minutes.
Getting ready,
running around.
Leave a minute late
stuck behind bus
2 minutes
oh no, another light
4 minutes
Traffic all around
30 minutes late
to work

Dreaming of Change
Dreaming of Change
easy to do
Creating change
harder to do.
Stirring change
gets you where you want

Johnny got home from camp
He enjoyed it a lot
"Mommy, look what I made"
A few years later
Johnny has a family now too
He can not afford
what his mommy once could

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Millennials: Changing the Face of the Workplace

The following is what I wrote for a grad school paper in late  2010.
There are many articles and papers written about the Millennials, which usually portray this generation in a negative light, but isn’t this the case when any generation starts entering the workforce?  Since 2004, the Millennials have been entering the workforce, and will continue to for the approximately the next fifteen years in large numbers.  “According to recent figures from the U.S. Census Bureau, traditionalists represent 17% of the U.S. population (48.7 million); baby boomers represent 28% (78.3 million); Gen-Xers make up 23% (63.3 million) and Generation Y makes up 29% (80.4 million)” (Quinn, 2010).  By 2014, it is predicted that the Millennials will make up about 47% of the workforce and by 2015, the majority of people in the workforce will belong to the Millennial generation.    In 2008, a British services firm, PwC, had about half the employees under the age of thirty-five, and about a third of the employees are under twenty-five (Craig, 2008).This generation, the children of the Baby Boomers, is the next largest generation in the country and will fill space in the workforce that the Baby Boomers will leave behind as they retire.  They will continue to enjoy the benefits that their parents brought to the workplace: ex. casual Friday and telecommuting: and they will push for more benefits, because they don’t want to be the workaholics that their parents are/were. 
            There are noticeable changes being made throughout the workforce to connect to the Millennials, but also techniques that the Millennials bring to be better productive in the workplace.    This generation grew up in the “age of social networking and the internet, both of which provide a limitless source of information and myriad communication channels. The younger generation is therefore essential in helping businesses harness the power of new technology and remain competitive in a challenging global economy” (Sullivan, 2010).  Besides technology and social media, Millennials   are changing the way recruitment, education is used in the workplace and they way that Millennials want to be able to work in a “happy” environment.
While the Baby Boomers started office jobs using typewriters to write correspondence; Millennials ask “What is a typewriter?”  Millennials grew up with using all the technology that other generations needed to learn how to use.  They have no problem encountering problems in regards to technology and software, they learn from trial and error to fix the issue(s).  The generation is at ease using computers and Microsoft Office; Millennials have been using Word, Excel, and Power Point all throughout their schooling.  There was always a computer day in school for the Millennials, the would go and play games like “Math Munchers” and “Oregon Trail,” using technology to keep on learning.  Technology is second nature, or maybe even a sixth sense (Hershatter, 2010), to them, there wasn’t ever a time without it; “the first group that can truly be called the ‘technology generation’” (Sujansky, 2009).  The internet is even part of this generation, established in 1982 (Hershatter, 2010).  This generation went to school using the internet to search information for research projects, and this won’t change in the workforce.  They are used to finding all information that they need from the internet. 
Millennials, most likely, found their jobs using internet jobs searches in fields that they are interested in.  Just google “job searches” in such-and-such a location, and see how many pop up.  This generation knows how to manipulate technology to get the work done quicker than their elder counterparts who may have trouble using the same type of technology. The Millennial “relationship with technology has changed the way they know the world, and their positive experience inside organizations and institutions during their school years has changed the way they interact with them” (Hershatter, 2010).
“There is also no question that the language has shifted such that Millennial slang today is different from Gen X slang at the same age, or Boomer slang at the same age” (Guillemette, 2009).  This is the generation that is used to using e-mail, text messages, instant messages (im’s), blogs and even Youtube commentaries to communicate with friends and family; there may be an issue of actually communicating face-to-face.   
“Text has the advantage of being simple and timely, and falls nicely into the spectrum between phone calls and emails as a means of interactive, relatively immediate, but not necessarily intrusive, communication” (Hershatter 2010).
They use short hand such as “b4” for before and “TMI” for too much information, etc. Millennials would also prefer to work in groups to bounce off ideas from one another.  They look for instant gratification, receiving feedback right away to know if they are on the right path and making correct decisions.  This could stem from “helicopter parents” always being involved in their lives and helping the millennials’ make decisions in regards to school and jobs.  This was always done in consensus.  Millennials do not respond well to one-way communication; they would rather be part of the discussion and help make decisions which involve them in the workplace instead of being told what to do and when (Bradley, 2010).  Millennials prefer to communicate in a group structure, using consensus to decide on how to solve issues that may arise.  “An important step in communicating with the younger generations has been the move from the "passive" or "pushing" communications to the "active" or "pulling" communications. Generation Y needs active involvement in receiving information or they will quickly lose interest” (Goman, 2006).  Communication through collaboration in the workplace will be driven by this generation and adopted by the organization. Beyond text and email, companies wishing to engage this generation should also rethink use of the web in terms of interactivity, visually appealing interfaces, and opportunities for personalized interaction and co-creation (Hershatter, 2010).
Social Media
            In the mid-2000’s many companies had blocked social Media sites, such as Facebook and MySpace, from work computers.  From the Millennials came Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook.  Most of the Millennials were participants in the “original” Facebook, and have been using it for over six years.  By the end of this decade, more companies have setup accounts and groups on Facebook and Twitter letting their customers/members know about what is going on in a organization.  The elder Millennials were able to persuade their employers to use this new technology, Web 2.0, to communicate about what the company is doing in addition to press releases. David Feldman, who works on Technology at CNN spoke with Andrea Hershatter and Molly Epstein in September, 2009 said:
“My generation started the trend of communicating through blogs and social networks. In turn, every Fortune 500 company has jumped on our bandwagon in order to stay fresh and pertinent in the minds of their audience by creating corporate Facebook pages, Twitter feeds, and regularly updated blogs. Millennials are so closely watched because of our visual thinking and ability to process information in a much more streamlined and efficient fashion than any previous generation.”
“Social networking is among one of the most significant business developments of the twenty-first century by adding another dimension to the way people communicate all over the world (Bennett, 2010).”  This is one avenue in which the Millennials pass the word on about what’s going on with them, and where they find information regarding current events and new jobs.  One just has to look at the 2008 presidential election of Barack Obama to see how social media can change the face of an organization (Obama) and to get the word out to the younger generations.  This is the generation that will create and use Web 3.0, whatever that will entail.
Millennials define success differently, as  Jason Dorsey told  Estelle Morrison “It's not about big paychecks and grand titles. It's about being happy. We want interesting and challenging work, to be a valued part of the team and to know that our contributions matter - even if we're in an entry-level job" (Morrison, 2010).  It’s not “show me the money” for the Millennials.  Millennials are seeking much more in return for their hard work than a paycheck.  They are also looking for work that is meaningful and fulfilling (Ng, 2010). They also are civically minded and want to better their community.  They would like to work to live instead of living to work, like their parents did. It is noted that this generation wants a more balanced home/work lifestyle.  They have seen their Boomer parents work long hours to make their lives comfortable, but have decided that they would rather have a life over making a living. In 2008 Price Waterhouse Coopers did a “study that found that corporate responsibility is critical to Millennials, and 88% indicated that will seek an employer whose related values match their own” (Ng, 2010). This generation likes the idea of going “Green,” and would most likely try to join an organization that holds the environment in high regard, or they would try to implement changes.   Recruiting new potential employees of the Millennial Generation, may include the use of social media with images of the current generation involved.  This generation uses the “word of mouth” and peer reviews to understand information and see if something is worthwhile.  As employers try to do background checks on potential employees, the potential Millennial generation will also be doing a background check on the potential employer.  Millennials are savvy enough to read organizational culture and they seek out this kind of alignment between an organization’s values and actions  (Hershatter, 2010).

This generation is posed to be the most educated generation that the workforce has ever seen.  There is no data to show that the Millennials will change this outlook on education; this is how they are/will learn in the workplace:
“Your experience is vital to our learning and we love to learn. We are completely aware how much you have to teach us, and we value your work experience very highly. We want to learn as much as we can from you so we, too, can be successful. We're interested in learning about the many different aspects of our profession, including the business, marketing and human relations aspects” (Guillemette, 2009).
This generation wants to know that what they learn today will help them with their future career.   “They're like sponges, eager to soak up as much knowledge as possible. Training is seen as a benefit -- but only if approached correctly” (Ambrose, 2007).  If employers don’t train their Millennial employees, the employees will leave.  They expect to learn everyday while on the job. 
Millennials want to amass the skills, knowledge, and credentials that will assist them in fulfilling both their personal and societal goals. Corporate, non-profit, and governmental entities seek driven, innovative, committed employees who will help them fulfill their organizational missions (Hershatter, 2010).

 “Happy” Workplace
“Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life”
~ Confucius
This seems to be a motto for the Millennials.  They understand that some day to day activities won’t be of interest, actually some tasks will stay mundane, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t want to do meaningful work that they are interested in.   They use the time in the office for networking and learning.  There will be more social activities, or less conference calls and more in person meetings, or occasional team lunches and outings (Fallon, 2009).  There will be more team building exercises so everyone gets to know each other outside to office and without the formalities of ties. “77% of surveyed workers between the ages of 20 and 29 believe that social aspects of work are very important to their overall sense of workplace satisfaction, as compared to 67% of their older colleagues” (Quick Study, 2007).
  They would like to use “work time” to do pro-bono work or do activities like “Big Brother, Big Sister,” with inner city kids. 53% of the Millennial generation who take a work deferral or a sabbatical use the leave to ‘explore passions or volunteer’’ (Hewlett , 2009). 86% say that is it is important that their job needs to give back to the community. 

Ready or not, Millennials are occupying a workplace near you, and more are coming.  This generation is similar with other generations as they entered the workforce, but will not allow the status quo of expecting what is common place for the workplace.  Changes are taking place, on how fast work is getting done and how communication will take place.  Different ways of communicating, especially the internet and using social media to get in contact with people all around the world to get information from everywhere is important to this generation and will change the how the workplace searches for this information.  Millennials believe in a different work/life balance of their parents, wanting to make the most of their life and not waiting for retirement to try new and exciting things. 

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